B&W Film Processing & Printing

I can process black and white negative roll film and sheet film up to 11×14 inches and make traditional silver gelatin prints in any size up to 16X20 inches (40x50cm)

Refer to the pricing page for indicative prices for these services. I have been processing black and white film and making silver gelatin prints in my own darkrooms since 1983. I take great pride in careful, methodical processing of film and producing high quality prints with optimum contrast and tonal range.

I can use a wide variety of different chemicals or papers if requested. My standard process and materials are as follows:

Film Processing:

Photographic Paper:



Paper Development:

Kodak XTol (1+1) and Ilford Rapid Fixer

Ilford RC multicontrast paper for contact prints and small final prints up to 8×10 inches (20x25cm)

Ilford Warmtone Glossy Fibre multicontrast paper for prints up to 12×16 inches (30x40cm)

FOMA Glossy Fibre multicontrast paper for 16×20 inch (40x50cm) prints

Kodak Dektol or LPD developer and Ilford Rapid Fixer, followed by archival washing technique, hypo-clearing bath and toning, usually in selenium.

Service Standards:

Film Processing:

  • Roll film negatives will be cut and sleeved in archival negative preserver sheets and labelled with the date of processing and chemicals and technique used
  • Large format sheet film will also be sleeved in appropriate archival preservers
  • A contact proof sheet will be provided for every sleeve, exposed through the preserver sheet. Proof sheet exposure will be based on a technique to inform how close the negative is to ideal general purpose printing (minimum time for maximum black). This may mean the printed negatives appear under or over exposed. This information is important to anyone making an enlarged print.


  • If you plan to sell and edition your photographs, but do not want all prints made at the same time, I will keep one approved printer’s proof with details of the exposure steps for future reference.
  • All other versions of physical prints will be destroyed. I will not copy, reproduce, sell or otherwise take advantage of any prints or images. A digital copy may be kept of the final print for my administrative and record keeping purposes only.
  • If you want a single print production, no physical copies of any prints will be retained unless otherwise requested.
SilverTone Studio